Welcome to the DARPA Small Business Support Center Home Page!
ARPA will convene the Eighteenth Systems and Technology
Symposium, on May 22, 1996 in Atlanta, Georgia. The Symposium will address the ARPA vision of the
future and present the challenges
that confront the Department of Defense research and technology development community. It is designed
to acquaint Defense officials, industry contractors, the military, and academic personnel with details of
current and proposed ARPA programs, including advanced computing and software initiatives;
materials, sensors and other electronics advances; air, land and sea systems; and much more. For additional
information, please check out the ARPATech '96 Home Page.
Small and Disadvantaged Business Programs and Opportunities:
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) actively supports
a number of special assistance programs that have been established to ensure equality in Federal
procurements. These include various types of preference programs, such as small business and small disadvantaged business set-asides, programs exclusively for minority-owned companies, and other forms of assistance generally
designed to help companies that otherwise might not be able to compete for government contract awards. These
programs are monitored and managed by the Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (SADBU) Office of the
Office of Administration and Small Business (OASB) at DARPA. All firms are encouraged to become familiar with, and
take advantage of, any of the special assistance programs for which they qualify.
Related Information:
- Please read our disclaimers about
the information and services provided.
Last revision: March 8, 1996
Comments on this page are welcome and may be sent to:
Or Contact the Small Business Support Center at (703) 696-2448
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